Welcome to where Words become Letters, and Letters become Worlds. My place to express who I am and what I feel. How and why I write it? You can read here.

You can read my poetry here and my contemplations here. Unsent letters are fragments, not (yet) poems…

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A drop of hate in a bucket of love

It takes a lot of love to truly change something, but it takes only a drop of hate.


Slowly I started talking to you.


Sometimes I write because I'm sad. Most time I do. I have to get sadness out.But sometimes, like tonight, writing...

You called

You called for me and I came. I took off my shirt, I kicked off my shoes and walked barefoot...


I know I will smile again.


The birds, the birds might be free, to fly in the sky.


Funny how thorns hurt more to get out than they do when they get in.

Convince me

Convince me that I am wrong.

Woman’s guilt

The conviction we are responsible for happiness of others, and not our own happiness. The idea we have to sacrifice...


I try so hard not to know you.

If you are in love with poems as I am, then I invite you to look at random quote about poetry.